Monday 5 September 2011

Science and Magick

I know this has become a very common subject and most, if not all of you have heard about the similarities of the energies from science and Magick at least once.

Well I decided why shouldn’t I say my two cents worth?

I will share with you some of the things that I have learnt so far and I hope that you find what I say to be interesting. I’ll not go into the history of science, there are many, many books out there if you would like to find out more, plus this post would be too long and you might fall asleep after trying to read the first few lines, so I’m going to try keep it simple and interesting.

The Mysteries of Magick is just that, a mystery and a powerful source which we draw from. Some have worried about ‘revealing the mystery’, it in itself cannot be revealed however we can feel its effects and experience it in our daily lives.

Scientists have proven that these ‘effects’ can undisputedly be measured, both in theory and practice, even though they cannot themselves prove the ‘source’ of the mystery itself (not that it stops them from trying).

Some modern thinking* scientists have even followed spiritual paths such as Taoism, Buddhism, Paganism and many others because it compliments their questions and answers, both spiritually and scientifically.

* I say ‘modern thinking’ because these scientists are from as early as the 1930’s and 1940’s

“The most beautiful experience we have, is the mysterious” ~ Albert Einstein 1931

I have an appetite for interesting books. I read everything from fiction to occult and various other religions to psychology and science, in particular quantum physics and mechanics.

Many scientists and practitioners of the Craft have a general agreed consensus that one of the strongest sources of energy is that of human emotion.

In Dr. Masaru Emoto’s book “The Healing Power of Water” he mentions how scientists created a water-based signal transmitter and had it charged with a specific intention. Water-based receivers were then placed between two miles and six thousand miles away from the transmitter. The change in frequencies of the receivers was compared to the ph balance of the original transmitter (there’s a lot more scientific mambo jambo included but I’ll leave that out).

Over a period of months the ph levels of all the receivers changed to that of the original transmitter.

The receivers had been placed in various areas around the world, both above and below ground. What they found was that the receivers below ground received the frequency faster than those above ground.

Dr. Emoto says “The carrier range for this information transfer couldn’t have been electromagnetic”. So no form of signals such as radio or television waves were used, only the intention-charged energy.

I wanted to mention this specific experiment as it had an influence on one of my energy-charged beliefs.

There were at times when feeling negative emotions and energy I would put my hands on the ground and dig in the dirt to ‘get rid of’ the bad energy and ground myself, as Wiccans we often do the same with water, using it to cleanse away the negative.

Now if there is one thing that we all learnt, as early as our school days, it is that energy can change. It can move out of, through and into form. Most of the time we cannot see it happening but you can use water as an example.

The energy vibrations of water are different from when it is ice to water to mist or steam, one way to measure these different energies is something as simple as its heat signature. From ice cold to boiling hot, yet at its core it is still the same thing, H2O.

So if I am taking my negative energies and putting them into the earth and its water, that energy will eventually travel around the world.

So I took the theory of changing energies and I decided that if I am feeling negative, I work and concentrate on changing it into something positive first, only then will I wash my hands or rub the earth. I would much rather send positive vibrations travelling around the world than negative ones.

 In my teens when I first started to learn about Wicca I had no knowledge of this and it never occurred to me to find out how energy worked and why it would be stronger or weaker.

What I did learn about though was something called ‘intentions’. We all know that there are good and bad ones.

If I cast a spell, I always made sure my intentions were good and that I stated it clearly in my spells and rituals.

I also always made sure that I was very specific about what it was that I wanted.

When I cast my first spell that really worked, I was amazed and filled with joy (and also made sure I showed my gratitude to the God and Goddess) especially since it was focused on removing a negative source in my life, at the time (I won’t go into any specifics).

A few years later I decided to try figure out why some of the spells I had cast over the years may not have worked. I took this first spell as a reference point.

Was it the way I cast the spell? Not exactly, different spells can be cast in different ways and still work.
Was it the words I used? Not quite, these would change from spell to spell.
Was it how I said the words? Shakespearean iambic pentameter. Not always to be or not to be.
Had I been specific enough? How much detail does the universe really need?

So what was it?

I realised that it was the power of the emotional force behind the spell that made it work.

The dictionary describes emotion as “The part of the consciousness that involves feeling”. So basically, I had to really feel that I wanted something to happen and then use my intentions to guide it.

This makes me a human transmitter of energy and these energies can be scientifically measured.

Doesn’t that idea just blow your mind?

With the latest wave of “the law of attraction” that has swept the world over, the education of this realisation has been spread.

When I first heard of the law of attraction, one of my first thoughts was “but this is what I’ve been doing all along, and is a part of my spiritual belief system”.

It is not something new to us witches who have been practicing these beliefs for centuries (not me personally, I’m not that old). And it is not something new to the world of science either.

The Great Mystery is still a mystery but now everyone can share in it with us, and millions of people do no matter what their religious paths are.

A note on casting spells

The dictionary defines intention as “an aim that guides action”. It guides the action, it is not the action itself.

It is all very well becoming a human signal transmitter, filled with a specific emotion and then creating a spell and using our intentions and sending everything off and out into the universe.

Bear in mind that a spell is a prayer. A prayer filled with good intentions and your intentions can be as pure as is possible but if you really want to receive what you want, you will still need to do some work to achieve your goal. You will need to take action.

A spell or a prayer doesn’t make things happen, you do. They just help you to focus your energies in the right direction and help you to be specific about what it is that you really want.

I hope my two cents worth has been an interesting read for you and that you might have learnt something new.

Thank you.
Nathalie Beulah

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