Wednesday 24 February 2010

Today I danced!

First I danced with gratitude. There are many out there who cannot dance and there are many out there who have less than me and who are in worse situations than me. I danced for everything that I have and for all the amazing people in my life and for all the amazing experiences I have shared.

I was grateful for the things I had but didn’t want as they came into my life for a reason. I danced in gratitude for the bad experiences that have shaped my life because without them I would not be the person I am today.

I danced for love because that is how friends and family truly support me through the good and bad times. I danced for my inner strength as this is what will keep me going until I look back and see I made mountains out of molehills.

I danced in unity with the universe, the source of all things and a powerful source of energy for all that is in the present and the future.

I danced until I smiled and I shared my smile with those around me so that their hearts could also dance even though times seem hard. A smile can lift our spirits and help us find the inner strength and joy we may have forgotten was there all along.

What is stopping you from dancing & smiling? Give it a try and you may be surprised by the results you will achieve!