Tuesday 27 December 2011

The grime of the day

I’m staying with a friend for the next few days to help her while she fosters a four month old baby over the festive season and a ten year old boy she is in the process of adopting. One thing I can say so far is, if you have ever had to deal with a constipated baby, you might appreciate your parents a lot more. It is tiring work, to the point when we actually cheered the baby on as he started to push.

Last week was just chaos and it seemed to have disappeared before it even began. It was the first week we had the baby, I had to help out while my friend finished up with business deals for the year, went to visit her ten year old son, seeing lawyers and going to court. I pretty much lived my week in three hour segments of changing nappies, baby feeding and getting the baby to sleep, while I caught up on sleep whenever I had the chance. As a result I wasn’t left with much time to get anything done, looking after a four month old baby truly is a twenty five hour job and I take my hat off to any parents out there who are able to do it.

I know how to look after children, I have two younger siblings and my mother has been a day-mother from time to time looking after other people’s children and I imagine that to an extent there’s a natural knowledge there. I will however admit that I don’t have the natural ‘drive’ to be a mother. I don’t have the need to reproduce and continue my genes. I’ve been told that one day I will, but even facing 30, I can honestly say, that my favourite type of child is the four pawed kind.

I have been wondering lately, even with looking after this cute, incredibly well behaved child, why do I still not feel the urge to be a mother? I know my sisters and brother would like to be parents, so why don’t I? Is it perhaps evolution? There are so many children without families and the world has billions of people in it.

I am appreciating the small moments I get, filled with giggles and smiles but I’m also really appreciating my moments of peace and quiet. I have though been missing my four legged furry children a lot and I’ve appreciated the time I’ve spent with them. Perhaps my gift this festive season is for me to learn to really enjoy the love I have for my cats (without trying to sound too much like a crazy lady).

I am using this experience as a way of looking at myself to see where my heart lies. We can all make a difference in this world and perhaps my work is more with animals than human beings.

So while I work through the next few days, not only will I be helping out a friend but I will also be finding a part of myself.

One thing I can say for sure is that right now, I’m grateful to be a single, cat crazy lady and have friends that I will be willing to do almost anything for. Even feel like a grimy single mother for a few days.

Monday 12 December 2011

Stuff Matters

This morning I was pondering about mankind’s quest for happiness and how we are meant to find it, it seems to be some kind of mythical creature at times. I magical dragon everyone is in search of.

Of course, like many others, I did not find the be all and end all answer to everyone’s questions on happiness, but I did have a thought.

Not having all the things I would love to have in life does at times make me feel unhappy. So surely having them will make me happy, or at the very least help me to feel it. Surely happiness isn’t all about the inward search.

Having my car makes me feel happy, my pets make me feel happy, even having my computer makes me feel happy and having a comfortable bed definitely helps make me feel happy. The outward stuff does seem to help. It is why so many of us dream of winning the lotto and being super rich, not only do we get to help others but we get to eliminate financial worry and have stuff in our lives that we want.

Of course this is not the complete picture, we all still need to find that inner joy, but it is part of the picture, Yin and Yang.

We can’t expect all of our happiness to come from within. We are only human after all. It is about keeping a balance and bringing opposites together and merging them to create a whole.

So yes, outward things, circumstances and people won’t bring you all the happiness you desire but neither will the constant inner search for joy and love. We all need to be able to bring the two together and blend them into the pictures we want for our lives.

I realise I may be sounding controversial and a lot of people may argue with me about how inner happiness is important and all the outward stuff isn’t. I won’t say they are wrong as we all have our own belief systems that are right for us.

What I do know is that when I am worrying about something, such as money, my car or my home, that worry and that feeling of lack is robbing me of feelings of love, happiness and gratitude and when I don’t have the need to worry about these things, my life feels joyful and abundant.

I am not saying, go out and be greedy and grab all the things you can but take a moment and think about what you would like to have in your life that will take away your stress and worries and allow you to focus on what is important to you.

It is a delicate balance, too much or too little from one side can bring unease.

In our quests for love and happiness, I think we need to stop worrying about making the outer stuff too important and feeling guilty because we are not focusing on our inner joy enough.

Release any guilt associated with material things, they are a part of our lives and we should accept them as we embrace our inner selves.

Monday 5 December 2011

Adapt or Die

This seems to be a theme that has been going around a lot lately and it sounds quite dramatic.

In the big picture of things, we are all like little ants scurrying across the surface of the earth. Each individual is fighting a personal struggle to survive. One life out of billions of lives on this planet seems like nothing. One person compared to many is unimportant, well at least to the general masses.

Yet our one life is important to ourselves. My life is important to me and I may seem selfish because of it.

When our lives change and the world around us changes we follow that innate human nature that urges us to adapt to that change. If it is a change we are not happy with, we will fight it and once there seems to be a final end result, we will adapt our lives according to it, whether or not we are happy with it.

I have been wondering about what drives people to give up and not adapt to change.

When Japan started to look at passing laws on waist size (yes it is true). There was an increase in suicide amongst fat people. This happened a long time before the earthquake and tsunami ravaged their country. If someone felt too hopeless at the thought of having to lose weight, then would they even have been able to find the strength to recover from the disaster that struck their country.

Greece is bankrupt, suicide rates have increased by 40%, especially amongst business men. Is money that important to them? So much so that instead of turning to their natural instinct of survival for themselves and their families, they will commit suicide, because of money.

Darwin is right in his theories of survival of the strongest, the fittest and the all round best of the species. Survival belongs to those who are able to adapt as life changes.

In order for us to survive as a species, it really is up to each individual person to be “selfish” enough over their own lives to want to survive.

What we may not realise is that all the hardships each of us incurs in our lifetimes really helps to evolve our species to its next point. The financial crisis the world has seen, the natural disasters faced, diseases being fought, all of it, yes even the loss of jobs and money is pushing us to evolve.

Sounds a little crazy, I know but it’s the Darwinian truth behind it. Where we are evolving towards, I don’t know but I’m sure that in a few years time we will be able to see very clearly. We adapted and evolved when we needed to create currency. Money seems to have lead us to some kind of madness. Scurrying around like little rats, grabbing as much of it as we possibly can, perhaps it is time for us to change and to start looking at something else, something more important than money.

I think it is time for us to all stop and have a look at our lives. The world appears to be in chaos right now but it is from this chaos that we are beginning to evolve into the next stage of our species. It is happening and I think that on some level we can all feel the change and the need to change within ourselves.

The question is, do we adapt or die?

Monday 28 November 2011

All the Little things

I must apologise that this week’s blog post is a bit late but I feel that it is for a good reason.

I sat looking out my window on a warm summer’s day and I watched as a small white butterfly danced amongst the purple and pink flowers in my garden. It was such a beautiful and yet fragile image. I thought about how easily a moment of anger could crush and destroy it.

Over the past week there seemed to be a lot of negativity in the air, a lot of it did have to do with black Tuesday. However one thing I noticed was that a lot of the response to the events that happened was not only negative but it was not based on people understanding exactly how the process of passing a new bill works. A lot of assumptions were made and these spread like wild fire.

I understood that if I took the approach of “cheer up and look at the facts” it was not going to go down well and if I were to say too much of anything, there would be people waiting in the sidelines to shoot me down or at the very least try their damnedest at counteracting my argument.

Unfortunately I can’t get masses of people to educate themselves and quite honestly, I was not up to back and forth political arguments. I made the decision to sit out from the facebook drama for the day. Though my status feed was constantly plagued with everyone making sure they had their two cents worth. There was so much negativity about the bill being passed, and it made me wonder, out of all the people complaining, how many of them had actually taken action? The Right 2 Know campaign supplied all of us with plenty of information to help make a stand but how many people actually did something about it other than blacking out their status update or passing some snide comment about the government?

I will admit, I am guilty of not having done enough to stand up for my rights and yes I regret it. I am also guilty of not doing much these days for anyone or anything. Anybody who really knows me will know that this isn’t me. I’m normally there with my two cents worth too. I am normally trying to make some kind of a difference, even if it’s just a small one.

This week I didn’t want to feel as if I was sitting on a high-horse, pointing out my finger saying “look at what I am doing to help, what have you done lately?” The truth be told, recently I’ve hit the ground, and boy did I hit it hard and I have really been struggling with trying to stand back up on my own two feet again, or to even crawl.

After looking at this weeks whirlwind of negativity and then looking at myself and asking myself what I am doing to make a difference, I guess I finally realised just how hard I might have fallen.

So I thought, screw it. I am going to ignore what I can and I am going to spend the next few days trying to enjoy the simple things in life. I am going to try to use the small things that count to help pick myself up again.

That is what I have been doing these past few days, I have been trying to enjoy the small moments that life has to offer. I have been looking at all the little things that make me happy and I have been trying to enjoy them as much as I possibly could.

It was hard, very hard. It is so easy to get wrapped up in negativity, especially when it is from something big and there is a lot of it going around. It is so easy to become passionate about all the bad things that happen and yet it is incredibly difficult to build up passion from happiness by enjoying the little things life has to offer.

How can any of us make a real difference in this world when we are powered by a negative passion? We should be finding our strength in our joy, happiness and love and using that to make a difference and create a better future.

How do we do it? That it such a tough question to answer. Being fuelled by rage is powerful but it will only get us so far, we need to find that source of continuous, positive strength to work from.

I have gone through bad times and I have used negative energy from negative situations to propel me forward and into action but afterwards I have felt completely exhausted and I often feel like I had not really accomplished anything. So now I have decided to change my strategy.

If I am going to make a difference in any way, I want it to come from a good place and I have decided that the best way for me to start is by looking at the small things. I am going to enjoy as many small moments as I possibly can and I am going to start appreciating them a lot more.

I don’t want to feel fallen and exhausted anymore. I am going to work on changing my own personal energy and my own attitude and I am going to make it something worth sharing in this world. It might take time but it is better than jumping on the bandwagon of pessimism and helping to share that around.

There is something out there that is worth sharing.

Sunday 27 November 2011

A Helping Hand

There is without a doubt in my mind that I was given my gift to communicate with spirits in order to help, both the living and those who have passed on.

I have dealt with many different types of spirits in my life. From those who are afraid to move on to those who are simply looking for the chance to say goodbye. I have even dealt with dark and malevolent spirits and as frightening as they can be I will still admit that it can be scarier dealing with the living.

Over the years I often ask myself, I have this gift but how can I help?

When a spirit comes to me and asks for help to say good bye to loved ones, the idea of finding and approaching the grieving family can be quite scary. How will they take the news? Do they think that I’m expecting something from them? Will they understand that all I want to do is pass on the message and don’t want anything from them in return?

Having had my gift since childhood it has always been a natural part of me and although scary at times, I have never wanted to wish it away. I never really had anyone that I could talk to about the things I had gone through and I had no mentor of any kind which often left me feeling lost about what to do. Quite often I also felt alone. It isn’t just something you can tell anyone.

A couple weeks ago I met young girl and I could immediately sense that she too has an ability to communicate with spirits. I started to talk to her and eventually she opened up about the spirits that are surrounding her currently. I could see so much of my young self in her.

Her mother was sitting with us at the time and she is also a sensitive but she had no idea what her daughter had been going through. She had sensed something but until her daughter had opened up she had no idea.

I felt a tiny twinge of jealousy over this mother and daughter, knowing that the young girl will have so much more support than I did growing up.

What has been on my mind since is, I have been through this growing up, how can I help this young girl? Truth be told, I have the feeling she could teach me a thing or two even though she may not be aware of it.

She hadn’t really explored her abilities yet and as she enters her teen years I know they will only strengthen. I worry that she might become fearful and wish her abilities away (which you can do, except your only suppressing them and they don’t go away all together).

After spending the evening chatting to her and her mom and answering the questions the best that I could and giving the young girl a tool for protection, I left them with an open invitation to contact me if they ever needed any help.

I do hope that they contact me, being a medium can leave one feeling lonely (and sometimes a little not-so-sane) and I would really like to be able to teach and learn from this wonderful mother-daughter duo.

Whether or not they come to me, I still want to help as many people as I can both the living and the dead. Sometimes I feel as though I am just waiting.

I don’t go looking for spirits, they come to me and I prefer to keep it that way. I will admit though that at times when everything is “quiet” and there are no spirits contacting me it feels a little strange and perhaps at times a bit too quiet.

I have put it out into the universe, many years ago, that I am here to help and when someone needs me I am listening.

Psychometry is probably my second strongest gift. I really do enjoy reading people’s energies or the energies off of objects. Sometimes the messages are something I simply sense or it can be a very vivid vision. I remember my first psychometric vision as if it happened yesterday (truthfully it was probably over a decade ago). It wasn’t a pleasant one but it was powerful. Because of the sensitivity of its nature I unfortunately can’t share it but it was a very defining moment for me.

Finding out that I had the ability to look through this window into other people’s lives and being able to help them because of it really gives me a feeling of purpose. It allows me to help counsel someone in a way that goes beyond what any form of traditional counselling can do. My being able to look into people’s lives (with their permission of course) allows them a type of freedom to open up in ways that they might not have done.

I have no degrees or diplomas behind me but if I am able to use my abilities to help people in this way then I don’t see why I shouldn’t.

I have been considering offering this as a service to help people but truth be told I have no idea about where to start. It has been something that has been sitting on my mind now for a couple of weeks and I can’t say that I have yet found a clear solution.

I have been blessed with my gifts, I have an abundance of them and I am so grateful. Now I want to really start to look at using them to help. Right now that is my goal. I wrote a phrase on a piece of paper a few weeks ago and have it on my wall. I look at it every morning when I wake up and every evening before I go to sleep. It is a very simple question that I ask myself as often as I can.

“How can I help?”

Friday 18 November 2011


And there will be…

The best of the best step out onto the field, clad in their armour and uniforms, some carrying their weapons of choice. Staring their enemy in the eyes they know that this battle for supremacy could be won by either side.

The crowds cheer with excitement as they wait for the onslaught. Let the games begin…

Sport is our modern way of safely waging war. I firmly believe that sport has somewhat curbed man’s enthusiasm and thirst for blood.

Millions of rands (or dollars, euro’s, pounds, etc) are spent on all types of sporting events and the top players are paid vast amounts of money to play for their teams and their countries. Their only responsibility is to play well and to bring victory to their teams.

As a sports fan, I know what it feels like to get caught in the excitement of a game. I will yell and scream at my team, cheering them on. Praising them when they succeed and wanting to cry when they don’t.

It’s the thrilling nail-biting moments that can make it all worth while. Millions (if not billions) of people all around the world feel the same way.

Sport can bring strangers together in celebration or despair. It is no doubt a powerful and driving force. The 1995 Rugby World Cup in South Africa alone proved how sport can bring an entire nation together.

If we did not have sport, where would all this powerful energy go? The same place it was before sport became such a huge phenomenon… WAR!

Human beings have a naturally strong competitive energy, to be the best and to dominate over others. In the past the more countries and people a leader and his or her nation could dominate over, the more powerful they were.

Sport has in its own way saved lives, and countries, and it will continue to do so for years to come. If you don’t happen to be a fan of sports but have a partner who is, don’t get frustrated or upset with your partner (unless for a very valid reason) and keep in mind that by allowing him or her to watch sport and yell and scream at the television you are helping to make the world a better and safer place for generations to come.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Nike Philosophy

Sometimes the “How to…” guide for life can be as simple as “just do it”.

I have been very lucky in my life to be able to draw to myself some truly wonderful friends. They are there for me when I need them to be and they are straight with me even when I don’t want them to be.

They have helped me to learn important life lessons. I am going to share with you a valuable lesson I learned in my very early twenties that helped in the forging of these friendships.

“Just do it. Use it or lose it.”

This isn’t just a key to creating strong relationships, it can be used in many areas of life but I’m going to use my fledgling friendships as an example.

When I was about twenty I started to meet people who wanted to be my friends. I was a waitress at the time trying to pay for my own studies. This meant that I had little to no cash flow and a new group of people who wanted me to go out with them a lot so that we could get to know each other better.

I turned down a lot of invitations because I was worried about money, even though I wanted to go out. Then somebody pointed something out to me.

I may have wanted these relationships in my life but if I kept saying “no” then my friends would eventually stop inviting me out. Nobody wants to put time and energy into something if they are only going to be rejected time and again.

I realised that I could lose the opportunity of gaining something truly amazing because I was afraid to say “yes” to it. I could use all the excuses I wanted, including finances but it would not get me anywhere.

This is so true for all areas of our lives. We can see something we want and think ‘yes I want that’ but then we think of all the reasons why we cannot have it. We use these reasons to hold ourselves back. The trick is to find the real reason as to why we are not going for what we want.

Take a moment and think about something you would like to have in your life right now. Write down on a piece of paper what it is exactly that you want. Then underneath it write down all the reasons why you feel you don’t have it. Do you perhaps want a relationship but don’t feel that you are good looking enough or intelligent enough? Write down all of your reasons, everything that comes to mind.

When you are finished, have a look at all of your reasons. At the top of the list write the word “excuses” and read through the list again. Now that you see them as excuses, they seem to take on a different light. A lot of the reasons to do things (or not to do them) in our lives are really just excuses that prevent us from getting to where we truly want to be. What we need to find is the real reason why we are doing the things we are and self-sabotaging our dreams and desires.

Let’s have a look at an example of something with a large monetary value.

For example, if I wanted to buy a house, which can appear to be a very daunting accomplishment simply because of its financial value. My list of excuses could possibly look like this:

• I don’t earn enough money every month to pay a mortgage
• I haven’t saved up enough to pay a deposit
• I have a bad credit listing
• Living by myself in the city could be dangerous
• The current market isn’t conducive to buying property

These are just a few from a possibly long list of excuses to not do something. I would now have to sit back and be honest with myself and uncover the real reason as to why I might not buy myself a home.

The first question I need to ask myself is, “have I tried?” because if I’m not trying then why am I even bothering at having this as a goal. I need to start doing something today to help me reach my goal and clear away my excuses.

• Have I looked to see if I can work harder or find another, better paying job?
• Have I opened a savings account to put money into every month to pay towards my home?
• Am I paying off my debts and clearing my credit listing?
• Am I looking at properties in areas that are safe?
• Property values might be falling still but have I been looking for bargains?

The problem with excuses is that there is always an answer that can turn it around so you cannot rely on these to not achieve your goal. If I really looked at my reasons for not having achieved this goal then I will also find the reason as to why I might be self-sabotaging my opportunity at success.

I now need to ask myself what having this in my life will mean to me. Once I’ve thought of this then another picture will emerge. Owning a house, for example, doesn’t always represent a house, it represents a home. What will my own home mean to me? Once I understand what it is I truly want then I can understand why I don’t have it in my life.

With wanting to achieve something in our lives also comes the fear of not achieving it. It does not matter how bad any of us want to bring something in our lives we won’t achieve it unless we work at bringing it into our lives despite our fears.

We all have different reasons and different fears and the key is to find out what they are. Do not let trying to discover your fears prevent you from working towards your goals in the mean time. Just do it. ‘It’ can be anything, it can be something big or small and seemingly insignificant but if it’s in line with your end goal and you are able to do it, then do it.

“Use it or lose it”. This is so true in achieving our dreams. How often do we hear about lost and forgotten dreams? If you want something in your life you have to use your resources to bring it into reality or you will lose your dream. It will forever be just that, a dream never bought into existence.

Every day is a day that you can just do one small thing and use the resources you have at your disposal to achieve your goals or you will lose it.

“Just do it. Use it or lose it”.

Don’t over think things. Actions are necessary in order to achieve goals. Thinking too much about things and situations can almost create a mental paralysis that prevents us from moving forward.

When it came to making new friends all those years ago, I learned to say “yes”. I put my excuses aside and found a way to make things work. I discovered my fear of change and my fear of rejection and I went ahead despite them and now I have the most amazing friends I could have ever wished for.

Friday 4 November 2011

The H-art of Giving

Charitable deeds are just as controversial as politics. Everyone has their beliefs as to how, when, where and why to help others, animals and the environment or whether or not to be charitable at all.

I was bought up in a very religious family and as a child I helped at soup kitchens and an orphanage. My parents helped others even though at times they didn’t have that much to share. This ideal of helping has been instilled in me since a young age.

This has probably been one of the reasons why when life seems tough and I feel as if I’ve veered off of the beaten track, I always find gratitude in knowing that there are those out their who are less fortunate than me. No matter how bad things may seem I still have a lot in my life that I can be grateful for.

So why is helping others such a controversial subject?

We all see the beggars on the side of the road with their infamous cardboard signs. The signs tell us what these people don’t have and their life’s woes. I see these beggars as an example of the conundrum of giving.

Naturally we are suspicious of these people. We never know whether or not their signs are actually truthful or whether or not they are taking steps to better their lives.

The majority of vehicles that pass by ignore people who are clearly asking for help. After all for all we know they are drug addicts trying to guilt us out of our hard earned cash because they are too lazy to find a job. Then there are a few who give these people the benefit of the doubt and donate just a few of their rands.

We also have organisations that we can donate time, money and gifts to. There are good people and good organisations out there that need and deserve our help. Many of us do help where we can but unfortunately a small handful of these organisations are corrupt. It is these few corrupt individuals and organisations that also stop people who are willing and able to help from actually helping.

A good friend of mine is currently dealing with such an organisation and the individual who runs it, in the process of adopting her child. It has been an extremely long and hard road and even top officials have become involved. It is a heart rendering story with many tears shed. I won’t tell you the story, firstly it’s not my place to and secondly there is a book being written.

What has come out of her story so far is something that I want to share with you. My friend could have given up, and the son she wants to adopt could still be “lost in the system” but with her heart and determination something even greater has come of it. Soon she will be hosting her own television segment where she will be working with Adoption SA in creating awareness about adopting and children looking for homes. She is an amazing woman who is now dedicating her life to helping others.

Times have been very tough for her and yet she is still willing to stand up, be heard and make a difference.

I’ve seen a few stories of people lately, who even though they are just one person, they make a huge difference in the lives of others and their communities. Then we have people on the other spectrum, those who don’t believe in putting in extra effort to help the less fortunate.

When you believe in something, it means that you feel that is the right way. Nobody can tell you what you feel is right or wrong.

I cannot judge someone who does not believe in helping. I can only admit that I don’t understand where their ideal comes from. Just like religion or politics it is an argument that can be held by two strong willed people as to what is right and what is wrong.

At the end of the day it all comes from the heart. If we help, who we help, where we help and why we help. Some people prefer to help children in need. Some prefer to help animals or the elderly or environmental causes. Some of us like to help in all areas we can help in.

This is one of the amazing things that make us individuals. We are unique in our decisions. I personally prefer to help children and animals because they find themselves in circumstances they cannot be blamed for and are unable to help themselves.

We all have the choice to make a difference in the world around us. Whether it is big or small or if you feel the world doesn’t need changing is up to you.


Friday 21 October 2011

The Mystery of Science

I have always had an inquisitive mind. I like to know how things work and not just take them at face value.

If I think about it, I even did it as a child. Doing something as simple as taking apart a music box to see how it worked is one of many of my memories, it never really occurred to me that other children didn’t do these things, and I always did it in such a way that I could put the item back together. Needless to say, my father came to me first if any of his tools were missing.

This way of thinking has also helped me as an adult. When I look at business or investing I naturally take this approach, I want to know the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of everything. This is why, for example, I trade my own shares instead of going through a broker.

When I meet new people, especially in business, this mindset comes across as “how and what can I learn from this person?”

Science is no different to me. I never studied it beyond standard 6 (grade 8), probably because it didn’t intrigue me at the time.

With the world’s ‘new’ approach to mind, body and soul, the concept of quantum physics is used quite often. Not much scientific explanation is given and this concept is generally taken at face value.

The ultimate sales pitch is that it can help you change your life to the life of your dreams. The actual words ‘quantum physics’ seem important and based on trustworthy science (not that it isn’t) but for most people the words also appear to be too immense and confusing to actually look into it and the research that backs it.

Naturally with my approach to life this lead me to buy books on the subject. I started with books on research by Newton and Einstein, starting at the beginning of the research with light particles and waves and moving onwards from there. It was all fairly “simple” and straight forward, laying out the basics of what science is but what did all this have to do with life altering experiences?

I then came across a book called “The Tao of Physics” by Fritjof Capra. What he did in his book was take all the basic scientific research and the discoveries in quantum physics and compared them to Eastern Mysticism. Finally a picture began to form.

What I had now was scientific principles that had the same principle of Eastern Mysticism but what I didn’t have is how science had come to this conclusion of MIND entering into the picture.

Now how do we bring the ‘mind’ into the picture to prove that our minds, or will, can change our realities?

I then discovered a series of books written by Lyall Watson. He wrote a series of scientific books in the late sixties, early seventies, that although slightly outdated, I have found incredibly interesting.

In case you were wondering, yes these books are “light” reading for me. Strange but true. I can be captivated for hours in stories of scientific discoveries and I can say one thing for sure, the truth is definitely stranger than fiction.

Lyall Watson’s series of books starts with a book called “Supernature”. What he does in his book is take actual scientific studies that prove that the ‘Supernatural’ really is a natural occurrence.

You might be wondering what this has to do with quantum physics.

What Dr Watson does NOT do is go around discussing quantum physics and how it fits into everything. However what he does do with these case studies is prove how the mind and body is measured, usually via brainwave and electromagnetic technology (at least the type of technology built up until the 1970’s) and how these affect real life experiences.

He discusses topics from astronomy to the aura to psychokinesis and how we can affect ourselves and our environment with our bodies and minds and how it can affect us in return.

This leaves me with not only fascinating stories to tell but also a way of how science discovered and built up experience and proof that we can change our lives through thought.

One thing I can say for sure is that if they had told some of these experiments to high school students, science would definitely have been a very popular topic.

With all this reading and learning I often find myself pondering and putting ideas together. I don’t know if other scientists have pondered the same thing as me, I am sure one or two of them at least have.

So for entertainments sake (well as entertaining as science can be), I am going to share one of my own theories with you. Please note that although I got the basics from scientific research, the theory is my own and isn’t scientifically proven, as far as I know.

I want to have a look at the aura. Scientists have proven that there is a ‘shell’ of energy around us (usually egg shaped) and that it has electromagnetic properties.

When trying to decide exactly what the aura was made up of, they finally classed it as a type of plasma.

Plasma is a mass of electrons moving at a rapid speed. These electrons are so ionised that they have actually broken free from their atoms (promise these should be the only big words I’m going to use). Back in the 1970’s plasma was seen as a gas but since then science has classed it as a fourth element, fire, which is burning gas.

Now for my theory.

If we look at our auras as a fourth element this would mean that we have a metabolic system surrounding our bodies. Since it is also an electromagnetic field, this means that our auras alone are burning oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. Though the aura surrounds our bodies, scientifically it isn’t seen as a part of our bodies, just something that surrounds us.

When we are injured or ill the aura above the area is usually hot or cold. Cold would mean that the aura in that area may be very weak, which means that part of the body would be ‘weak’ or functioning poorly. If the area is hot, this would mean a large amount of energy from the body is being used to heal itself in that specific area.

If the body is hot and the aura is hot in a specific area, surely that means there is something happening in the aura as well? My conclusion is that the body can heal itself from the inside out and the aura can help it to heal from the outside in.

If the area of the body and aura is cold and weak, this could mean the body is unable to heal itself and the person who is ill would need to seek medical attention.

And there you have it, my pondering mind. If you have any thoughts about this, or know of anything that can prove or disprove my ideas, feel free to let me know, I am always willing to learn.

Thank you.


Friday 14 October 2011

World Change

How the world has changed.

Today I had a conversation in Spanish. I have never spoken Spanish in my life before, never taken any classes and don’t understand a single thing about the language or culture at all.

So how is such an amazing feat even possible?

Modern technology.

When Douglas Adams wrote The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, he probably had no idea that someone (well, plural really) would take his idea of the Babel Fish and create a program around it. I suppose with the book having a somewhat science fiction theme he wouldn’t be too surprised about it.

For those of you who don’t know, a Babel Fish in the book was literally a small fish that you would put in your ear and you would be able to understand any language. In the real world however such a small and wonderful fish does not exist but should you Google Babel Fish an array of options will appear. They are simple programs where you type in what you want to say, select the language you want to say it in and hit the “translate” button.

Before you know it, you’ll be having a conversation with a complete stranger in an unknown language. The unfortunate thing is that this doesn’t happen in real life when you are face to face with a stranger speaking a different language.

Google it! A term we all use so often. If you want to find out about something you don’t know, for example Spain and its cultures, well then Google it. This is another phrase that would have made absolutely no sense just a few years ago. I suppose “encyclopaedia it” wouldn’t have made much sense either.

A status update – a what? Isn’t this something your parents did at work, or something? Surely it is not an everyday, if not hourly or less, activity of millions of people all around the world.

What about instant messaging, more commonly known as IM. No more waiting for weeks for a letter to come in the post. Just pop online, or whip out your phone, and you have instant contact with those near and dear to you who live all over the world.

The world definitely has become a smaller, stranger place. We live in a world of science fiction. A mere decade ago none of this would make sense and it would be only in the imaginations of fiction writers and the young inventors who had just a mere spark of an idea that will one day be a reality.

We live in this wonderful world but there is one small catch.

The human connection. We all still have people in our lives and we spend time with them so we are not completely lost but there is something that is almost lacking. There is so much technology between us. It is just easier to communicate that way, but sometimes we loose a little perspective. This week was a perfect example.

Blackberry went down for two / three days. No BBM (Blackberry messenger) no mobile instant internet. We were left with sms and phone calls. Honestly who calls anyone these days, it’s such a hassle and much easier to type a quick message and send it.

My two closest friends live overseas, it was my birthday and I felt so incredibly isolated. If I didn’t have a separate broadband bundle through my service provider and downloaded apps such as Google chat, I would have been completely lost.

All this technology in our lives really made me think this week. We have all come so far, technologically evolved yet we have gone backwards too, losing a bit of what makes us human.

This realisation is not a new one. Scientists are hired to run studies to see to what point technology has actually affected us.

I’m not one to judge, I won’t give up any of the above any time soon. Lying in my pj’s, having a conversation with a friend in France or a stranger in Spain is truly an amazing gift, though I think this weekend I might just play possum (or at least attempt to, for a few hours). I’m going to put away all my gadgets and spend some time being a human being, and spend time with other people, face to face not screen to screen.

Maybe I’ll even read a book.

Modern Technology & Old School Advice

This week I spent a moment thinking about the advice I would give to my teenage self, should I be able to go back in time but then I got sidetracked by other thoughts on modern technology.

If I went back in time there would be no facebook, no twitter even no myspace. Terms such as Blogging and vlogging would be completely unheard of, even lingo such us wtf, brb, OMG… all gone. Never mind the fact that the only internet connection came via a big box and Telkom and made that dreadful and frustrating dial up noise. Once online, if you were lucky, a webpage would take on average six to eight minutes to load. Can you imagine doing that now? Modern research has shown that on average if a webpage doesn’t load within 10 seconds it is usually closed by whoever wanted to view it.

Cellphones were literally the size of bricks and a rare commodity. Not every person in school had one.

For some reason we all managed to cope. If the phone rang and we didn’t pick up well, that meant we weren’t home.

Gossip was spread via whispers and pieces of paper not IM, BBM or SMS. If I wanted to make a new friend I would simply walk up to them and introduce myself to a complete stranger. Not knowing who they were was half the fun. Now we browse profiles and facebook which can pretty much give us an entire background check on someone before we decide if we want to be their “friend” online.

How I, my generation and those before us survived, I have no idea. It makes me wonder what the current generation of teenagers (and those in their early twenties) will look back on and wonder how they survived without it. Perhaps they will wonder about how they survived by actually reading books or buying and playing countless CD’s and DVD’s when everything is in their hands in one product.

Mp3 players are common place, tablets (I don’t mean the medication type) and ‘intelligent’ cellphones that can do everything for us.

I don’t own TV or hi-fi systems, I don’t have a huge CD or DVD collection what I do have is a notebook, the modern day version of the laptop.

After all, why would I want to own so many things that can take up so much space, when all I need is one device? It’s portable and light weight.

Should I have a party and need decent sound than I simply plug in a set of very small yet powerful speakers. If I want a bigger screen to watch movies on all I do is plug in a bigger computer screen and that is all I need.

If I told my teenage self where I would be right now and that cellphones will not only have colour screens but would go way beyond that, she would probably have asked about flying cars and the current fashions. The fashions haven’t changed much at all (retro is fashionable) and flying cars are still way in the future but we do have eco-friendly (eco-what?) and electric cars.

So after all this what was my advice to my teenage self?

• Do what I want and not what others expect of me.
• Start being kind to the environment now.
• Still go out and meet those complete strangers because that is how you will make friends for life.
• Buy shares in Microsoft.

I’m not sure how old or young you are but maybe spend a few minutes doing the same. Go back in time and visit your teenage self, look at the world that surrounds him or her and perhaps try to offer some advice.

The advice I gave to my teenage self is just as valid to me now as it was then, so better late than never. I will listen to my own words and take my own advice even though I’m not a teen anymore.

I’m off to price Microsoft share prices.


Friday 7 October 2011

Physiology and Spirituality

The concepts of dis-ease and well-thy have been bandied about quite a bit. They are not new terms to anyone, especially the notion of disease in our bodies and what is happening in our lives and how they are linked.

We all know about these concepts but we tend to not pay them any attention until we fall ill or something happens to our physical bodies or we simply just feel tired. Only then do we give our bodies the attention they require but for most of us, once we are in good health again, we forget all about them and continue with our lives as we did before.

For those who might not be familiar with the above two concepts, I will go through them briefly, though for the most part I’m sure everybody knows what I am talking about.

1. Dis-ease:

When we fall ill, or we injure ourselves, it can often be linked to a stress in our lives which causes our bodies to not be at ease. Therefore the word disease has been re-termed to dis-ease.

2. Well-thy:

This is a new concept that has come about recently. It means exactly what it sounds like. Health is the new Wealth. In some big corporations you are not allowed to see clients if you look a little tired or ‘unhealthy’, you are encouraged to look after yourself. In general the size of your wallet is measured according to how healthy you appear to be.

It is becoming more and more common for us to look at ourselves, our life situations and our spirituality whenever we become ill, particularly spirituality, why?

I believe that many people find peace within their personal spiritual beliefs. It is the one path most of us choose for ourselves in this life and the one thing we are most certain of. After we feed our Spirit with stress day in and day out when we feel ill we tend to look for that part of us that fills us with something good, that one part of our Spirit that “detoxes” all the bad stuff out of our systems.

Quite often this becomes a time when our Spirit feels tired and we would take a holiday away from our daily lives before we feel we are about to “crash and burn”.

This is a similar experience to what I have had this week. I’ve turned to strengthening my Spirit and clearing out the stress and guess what happened? I became sick.

For a moment I thought about it. Why am I getting sick now when I’m resting and not when I was in a stressful office? Why do so many of us get the flu when on holiday?

That was when I realised, not only am I working on myself spiritually and mentally but my body is following physically. It is detoxing on its own.

As it does this, I noticed certain areas of my body were worse off than others. For example my throat has been gradually getting worse this week. Our throats are our centres for communication. Believe it or not, as I discovered a few years ago, the throat chakra, when out of balance actually means we need to listen more. Not speak up but to quieten down.

So that’s what I’m learning to do right now. I’m not just physically keeping quieter to save myself the pain but I’m also quietening my mind because once my mind is quiet only then will I truly hear the message that is coming my way.

As most of you already know, for the past six months I have been working on Oprah’s magazine here in South Africa and I have been really passionate about my work. Last week Friday I walked away from the magazine, albeit not of my own choice. I will admit though, I was looking at making this decision but at the end of the day it was made for me.

The driving message behind the magazine is “Live Your Best Life”, which is also the message from Oprah herself. This is what helped me to walk away. I didn’t walk away from her and what her brand stood for as I was too passionate about that, what I walked away from was a company.

Have you ever watched “The Devil Wears Prada”? I won’t lie to you, the press passes to events and all the freebies were fabulous but being under constant deadlines and stress was not healthy for me. I am going to Live My Best Life and I believe I am now on the right path to do just that.

During my last week of working for the magazine I read an article reflecting on the last twenty five years of Oprah’s show and she said something very significant. This is in her words so she does speak of “God” as she is Christian, if you are not Christian replace it with what you feel comfortable with, The God/ess, the Universe, Life, etc.

“Tune in to the whisper. ‘God’ first speaks to you in a whisper, a hunch. If you don’t get that whisper you get a pebble to the head, then a brick, until finally you hit a brick wall, which is full blown crisis. I’ve learnt to listen to that small whisper – that still, small voice that says “Something’s not right. Pay attention”.”

I can tell you truthfully that I recently got the brick to the head, it definitely feels that way physically, and only now am I waking up and beginning to pay attention and working on avoiding that brick wall.

I am more aware now of constantly looking after myself and the need to listen. I am realising the importance of constantly being in touch with my Spirit and Spirituality and not waiting until I’m exhausted to look to these parts of myself.

If I listen to my body and keep my Spirit strong I won’t fall ill or exhaust myself.

I gave myself a bit of advice this morning that I wanted to share with you. I feel one of the biggest causes of my stress over the past few weeks has been self-doubt. Questioning whether or not I was on the right path, even though I have had several signs that have told me I am.

Don’t doubt, have faith.

Simple words, a whisper from within.


Monday 3 October 2011

Stress and Spirituality

Today I sat in the warm sun, clutching my cup of coffee and watching the wind blowing in the trees. Small moments like these are what we miss during our stressful, busy worker-bee lives, even if we don’t realise it.

I have had a very tough past few weeks and I allowed so much energy from outside sources consume me that I actually really missed my spiritual self.

I realised this some time last week when I sat in bed with a migraine and a sore and tired body. My spirit felt just as tired. I wondered how I had let this happen since it really is not a part of who I am, I treasure my spirit and myself.

I know that I am not the only one guilty of this. Some of us spend hours every day in traffic to get to somewhere where we really don’t want to be. We let our jobs consume us and leave little room for the small things in life that make us happy.

Our inner strength is weakened when our Spirit isn’t fed and our inner selves scream at us. We must allow our inner self to say what it wants to say, don’t ignore him / her. You can do this through meditation or just sitting quietly for a moment and actually listening to the thoughts running around in your head. Amongst all the chaos in your mind there is something there that is so small yet so important and you might miss it simply because you did not listen.

Every morning I write in my journal. At least three pages of all the thoughts in my mind, allowing them to flow from me and onto the page. I am always amazed at how this helps me, I am often able to work through the chaos in my mind and find a small insight about myself. That small insight is something I would normally never have thought of, and if I did, I might have lacked the courage to face it.

Writing in a journal might seem like a silly thing that only teenage girls do, trust me I was extremely suspicious about the idea. After all, why would I want to keep a journal? Someone had suggested it to me and she decided to make a deal with me.

I was to write at least three pages, of anything and everything, every morning before I started my day and every Monday we could reflect together and see if I had discovered anything new about myself after a few weeks. So, I gave it a try.

Three months down the line and I’m still writing every morning in my journal. Sometimes it has been hard to wake up earlier than normal to do what seems like a trivial task. Sometimes I feel I have to force three pages of writing out of myself and on other days it just flows on to four or five pages.

One thing I can tell you for sure is, keeping a journal and starting every day by clearing the chaos out of my mind has been an amazing, life altering experience. I have found so much of me that I did not know was there and I have been able to move forward and stop being stuck in a present situation.

Here are a few questions I would like you to answer for yourself:
• Do you feel stressed and over-worked
• Do you feel like you are facing a situation that you cannot see a solution to?
• Would you like the things you need in life to come to you?

Well, if you answered yes to any of the above, then I want to dare you to keep a journal. Try it for just a month. Write three pages every morning before you start your day. You might even find answers to some questions you felt needed answering.

If you are as cynical as I was, then let me say this. Give it a try, what could you possibly have to loose? If you feel as if a journal has not helped you in anyway after a month (four weeks), then feel free to complain, thewiccaseries@gmail.com, or in the comments section below.

If the opposite happens, and you find the pages immensely helpful then don’t stop after a month, just keep on going, make it a daily exercise for the rest of your life.

There is one rule though.

For the first two months (at least) of writing in your journal, whatever you do, DO NOT look back and re-read your pages. I’ve been writing for three months and I still haven’t looked back and I feel this may be one of the reasons I have been able to grow in my own personal capacity.

Over the past two weeks, with all the stress that seemingly consumed me, it was those daily journal entries that helped me to keep strong and grounded and I came out the other side with my Spirit and sanity in tact.

The only thing I have left to do now is to enjoy the small pleasures in my life. Having said that, I am going to go sit outside and watch the sun set on this wonderful, warm day.


Saturday 17 September 2011

Other goodies for sale...



All prices exclude delivery.
Delivery within South Africa is R40.00.

EACH SESSION IS R200.00, TO MAKE A BOOKING CALL ME ON 084 311 3350 OR EMAIL ME thewiccaseries@gmail.com

Thank you
Nathalie Beulah

This is a herbal blend for cleansing, balance, peace, clarity and joy.


Restores emotional balance and creates a peaceful, harmonious atmosphere. Lavender also attracts angelic beings.

Imphepo: "South African Sage"
A traditional herb found only in South Africa. Used to cleanse and protect and allows you to connect with your spirit guides and angels. A Powerful smudge.

Brings about mental clarity and calmness by allowing for the release of negative thought patterns or self limiting beliefs. Great for mediators and students.

Provides grounding and joy, especially when used during personal transformation. Promotes "being in the now".





We realized this week people are not using our Chakra Elixirs completely correctly. The best way to use these elixirs is by using the chakra specific elixir that is blocked or damaged in some way together with the Balancer to bring all the chakras back into alignment again. We are therefore offering a Chakra Balancer elixir together with a single Chakra elixir (Heart, Crown, Throat, Third Eye, Solar Plexus, Sacral or Base) for only R100.00 excluding postage for the next week.

(Normal price: R 150 for the two)



Books for Sale



Please bare in mind that all of these books are second hand.

Where possible I have included a picture to show how the cover would look originally vs how it currently looks. Where there aren't extra pictures it means the book is still in a good condition.

All prices exclude delivery.
Delivery within South Africa is R40.00.













I CHING or the book of changes THE RICHARD WILHELM TRANSLATION - R60.00







Tuesday 13 September 2011

A Wiccan-Hindu God?

The Dictionary’s definition of eclectic:
1. Selecting or employing individual elements from a variety of sources, systems, or styles.
2. Made up of or combining elements from a variety of sources.

Wicca is a nature religion where the wheel of the year is celebrated as the seasons come and go. We celebrate a God and Goddess, both in their many forms.

Eclectic Wicca has the basic “outlines” of the original traditions as well as the beliefs of following our true paths, so long as we hurt none. However Eclectic Wiccans do borrow a little here and there to put together a spiritual path that they associate with strongly, and to bring in Gods and Goddesses that they feel are right for them.

I personally am an Eclectic Wiccan, and proud to say so. My beliefs at times have a strong Hindu line running through them and sometimes the more traditional line.

For example, if you were to look at my altar as it currently stands, you would see a beautiful image of the Goddess, with a moon in blues and whites, then right next to it you would see a gold and silver and brightly coloured image of Lord Ganesha.

To call on the Goddess in rituals, I sing the witches’ chant and to call on the God I use the mantra of Lord Ganesha.

On my wrist I have the ‘aum’ of Lord Ganesha tattooed, as well as a Scandinavian rune, both have special meaning to me.

There will be days when, perhaps in meditation, the Great Horned God or God of The Grove will appear to me and so will the Triple Goddess (The Crone is most likely to show herself to me).

However the Goddess that rings most true to me is the Spider Goddess. A form of her can be found in almost every ancient culture throughout the world and every time I walk through a spider’s web, I see it as a blessing. When I feel lost, or depressed, I tend to find that I am suddenly attracting spiders to me, reminding me that I am not alone. They are always there and are sacred to me (killing a spider in my home or around me is strictly prohibited).

I often laugh at the idea that perhaps it was my fate to be drawn to the Spider Goddess. When I was a baby I was put down in an orchard and was bitten by a spider and almost died due to it.

So yes, I tend to take a little from here and a little from there, if I am drawn to something that might not be ‘strictly’ in accordance with the very traditional Wiccan paths and it calls to me, I don’t see why I should ignore it. I believe that even if it is something completely different but that it is guiding me, I should welcome it with open arms because perhaps it will take me on a new adventure that will help me to learn more about being true to myself.

If you are new to Wicca and you find yourself worrying about the influences of other religions or pantheons on your beliefs, embrace it instead of pushing it away. Perhaps it is guiding you to a different path, one that suits you better for where you are meant to be in your life right NOW! It might change in a few days, months or even years, but accept every moment.

For example, the other day I found myself worrying about one of my cats (I hadn’t seen him in 24 hours and I’m one of those moms who panic easily) and out of the blue I found myself praying to Bast to guide him home. Within a couple minutes he came in through his kitty door, and I was immensely relieved. I have never been drawn to any of the Egyptian Gods or Goddesses before but at that moment, it came naturally to me and felt right.

So eclectic may seem a little eccentric and scary at first but that’s one of the wonderful things about Wicca and Paganism, there is no strict dogma and no strict rules on who you can and cannot worship.

However if Traditional Wicca feels right for you, with the Triple Goddess and Celtic Gods, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it in any way.

Do what feels right for you.


Friday 9 September 2011

Feathers ruffled and progress made

The concept of being suppressed in South Africa and trying to break free from our suppressors is far from a new one.

South Africans in general have been fighting for their rights for decades and as a result the current generation has been instilled with the idea that if you believe in something and others try to suppress you, then you must shout and make your voice heard.

That is what a lot of people do, they SHOUT! Loud and clear, making sure as many people as possible can hear their voices.

With all this noise, the shouting and arms waving about, we forget to embrace and support our fellow man. Instead everyone wants to go in their own direction.

Amongst all this chaos we tend to find a small handful of Change Makers. The few that will look at this noisy mess and then question, “okay so this is that, but what can we do about it?” and one of the toughest tasks for someone who makes changes to better the lives of many is to bring a community together.

So how do these Change Makers bring together communities? They can’t just shout, their voices will no doubt simply get lost in the clamour.

One action.

This is all that is needed, one action in the name of progress, one small step and one small positive success on behalf of all. I say success because if an action does not heed results then society won’t be still and lift their heads up in curiosity.

This is how only a hand full of individuals end up making the biggest difference.

Something else that is necessary is to dig out the weeds from the rose garden. There are a few who claim that they are making a difference but are really exploiting the population as a whole. They are all bark and no bite and often claim to be something they are not.

There are also those few with good intentions, they rally the troops and get support from those around them BUT then nothing happens. They never take that action and most of the time they don’t intend for it to happen that way. They did want to make a difference but something stopped them, perhaps the fear of having a clearer voice than those around them, or a fear of failure, who knows but those good intentions never yield the fruits of success.

In order for real change to happen we all need to quieten down and come together. One step forward, one small action by many on behalf of all will make a big difference.

I am calling on the Pagan Community, as a whole to see the actions being taken by those around you and embrace the Change Makers and support them so that we can all share in our successes and work on bettering our community, even if we have different beliefs or lifestyles.

When we work as one we yield more Power than when we work as many individuals.

Thank you
Nathalie Beulah

Original Post: 09 September 2011