Monday 27 March 2017

Omorose Mesi (Beautiful Water)

Water: Over 80% of our Earth is water, 80% of our bodies are water, it is in tune and guided by the energy of our moon, and it provides life to all living things. It's probably one of the most important and magickal elements of life force that exists.We use it every day, for eating, drinking, bathing, watering plants, etc and we become so used to it just always being there, that if it were to ever disappear or become contaminated, I don't think it would be until that point in which humanity as a whole, would truly realise just how special water is.

The Ancient Egyptians, were revered for their advanced technology and knowledge of things.  They had a name for water: “ Omorose Mesi”, which translates into “Beautiful Water”. They used it for cleansing as they embalmed their dead, offered water to their Patrons, helped them in their creation of what we call today beer and embraced the powers of The Nile,  which was worshipped entirely as its own entity having provided their main source of nourishment and life.

Humanity today, especially western societies, seem to be more focused on their 9-5 jobs and the latest smart phone, rather than connecting with nature and embracing water as a life source.
And it's ok, we are all guilty of being this way, sometimes we cannot help it! That is why I would like to share with you a ritual based soley around water and is something we can easily incorporate daily! This ritual is to help you change your vibration with water and really connect with this element.

Shower Magick:

Gather some local/fresh herbs and/or flowers (whatever is available to
Prepare incense (does not matter which kind as all incense have properties of cleansing)

Place your herbs/flowers around your shower head, simple string is easy to use to bundle them together and then hang.
Light your incense and step into your shower, and as you feel the water falling down your body, visualise it collecting all the things you no longer wish to carry with you for the day. See the water go down the drain and see all this negative energy go down with it, leaving your body, therefore leaving your spirit. As you are visualising this speak these words for as many times as you wish:

“I am pure water,  I am healing life, I am love”.

Whenever you get the chance to spend time next to water, you can also say these words as you glance upon it's glistening surface. Embrace it's presence, feel the energy coming from it and breath in the air around you. Be grateful for running, fresh water, be mindful as to how you use it and remember to nourish your body with this wonderful gift!

Stephanie Jane


This week's Pagan Find

We found this beautiful headpiece on Etsy, in the store DeLorianCreations

We can just imagine the flare and beauty it can bring to ritual practices.

This store as also has many more such beautiful head pieces

CLICK HERE for more information

Reading for the Week

This week's card is taken from  The Rider Waite Tarot 

Ten of Cups

In general the ten of cups refers to a happy time, and especially a happy family life and to general well being going beyond you, and to those that you love the most. For most of us, our families are precious, whether it's the family you are born into or the family that you create for ourselves. Now is a good time to spend time with those you love and especially to tell them how much you love and appreciate them.

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