Monday 10 December 2012

Frans-Carel Life Coaching & Motivational Talks

Here's an introduction to Frans-Carel's Life Coaching and Motivational Talks.

Click on the Logo on the side bar to go to Frans-Carel's website for more details.
Anyone who is interested in booking Frans-Carel for public speaking or to attend one of his sessions can contact him directly on Remember he also offers sessions to small groups of five people upwards and you can approach him to do one of those sessions/talks at for instance a meditation circle, book club meeting or function. Below is a breakdown of the sessions and what it entails. At the moment all sessions are held at Misty Moon in Centurion unless other arrangements are made. SKYPE sessions are also an option - contact him for arrangements and prices.

When I realized that I love working with people so much, I created the brand by amalgamating the knowledge I acquired over time in the business world. I started to explore what it is that people encounter as struggles and obstacles in their lives. I looked at everyday people with everyday problems and created a simple solution for each problem that a person may face. I working really hard to take all walks of life into account in my coaching methodology which incorporates a Holistic Life approach.
I take a full spectrum look at the bigger picture in one person's life and expand on it. I find the person's strengths and apply those traits towards acquiring their self-made goals.
Sub-sets include relationships, parents, students, families, men and executives.

Everyday Coaching
Life is complicated enough, so therefore the formula to Your Life Coaching has to be simple. Build a rectangular faceted pyramid. Fill each facet with the individual's wants, goals, dreams and imagination.
The foundation of the pyramid is the person's inner self. The first step is to build up an upright pyramid, representing the giving & building of self.
We duplicate the initial pyramid in an inverted manner to symbolize the learning or receiving of success and greatness.
Thirdly we enforce the plans and structures with a hexagonal pyramid structure – to support the insides.
We are looking at the various aspects of a person on mental and emotional level and then combine the physical and spiritual to strengthen the newly emerging persona. Without this step, “A fool's plan, remains a leaf in the wind”

1 Introduction Session
We look at the various aspects of your Life, at the present moment, and we determine where you are, right now. Without a departure point we cannot plot a course to your success. We look at each of the basic areas of your Life. We plot where you feel you are at the moment.
We start identifying your Strengths and areas that need a bit of extra effort to get a balanced and holistic lifeline”.

2 Strength Session
In the initial session we determine where you were at the start of our proceedings. Now we identify the tools that you have. We map the use of the tool / strength and we identify the impact of your life. And see how we can incorporate your strength in detail towards your short, medium and long term goals.

3 Thriving Session
We have now identified the base of your pyramid, now we look start with each facet starting with applying your strength in terms of not only surviving your Life, but thriving in it. Each session here after we use the simple “Four Anchor” methodology. First we imagine, identify our wants then set our goals to reach our dreams. This is the simplest method of applying the principals you acquire here and incorporating them into your life.

4 Belief Session
All of us have a belief structure. We have to analyse this structure to incorporate your strength/s and apply our Four Anchor methodology to it. We have to perhaps tweak the beliefs that is in place to make our way-forward towards your goals using the tools we identified.

5 Certainty & Control Session
We want to know what is certain, fixed and what we can count upon. We call this a fundamental human truth. We want to have certainty about our Life. Here we identify the things you can count on in your Life. These may include material, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects that we can always fall back on when things go a bit awry.

6 Uncertainty & Release Session
We have to know what the variables of our Life are. We have to identify what are the things we have no control over. We learn how to integrate our strengths towards an uncertain outcome and letting go with the Breath technique. Not an acronym, but a literal application of balancing your immediate environment.

7 Achievement Session
We want to be recognized. We want to reach a level or point where we can review our progress and be complimented on what we have achieved. Here we learn to identify the milestones and mile markers on our Life Path to instigate a series of congratulatory, festive and honorary processes to rejoice in one thing, You.

8 Connections Session
We are part of something, all of us. We are part of groups, communities and collectives. Here we wander a slight bit outside ourselves and we identify the resources and assets that we can utilize to achieve our goals, dreams and aspirations.

9 Growth Session
You need to Grow. Like a tree we reach for the sun and nothing will stop us from growing the next inch.
We look to the projected Life plan and identify smaller pieces that can make the process of Change and pleasant and joyous one. Identifying our comfort zone and identifying where we will find the magic of life.

10 Worth Session
You and the world need to know what you are worth. You need to recognize and appreciate how far you have come on this road to Success. We teach you, how to appreciate you and see how your strengths have grown. We look at what you can do now, how things have evolved. We celebrate your contribution to the World.

11 Evaluate Session
It is time to take stock. We review the tools you have acquired. We see how your progress is towards your initial goals. We evaluate which of those goals still apply. We assess your progress to see where small tweaks needs to be applied for you to enter your new chapter.

12 Cement Session
We have the tools, resources, assets and plans in place. We know how to manage the variants, it is time.
Now we mix the first batch of cement to make our Life building a sound structure. The first element is non-Judgement. We look how to observations can be your greatest weapon or your greatness downfall. Be open to the new of life.

13 Embrace Session
No one can imagine more elaborate greatness than You. Your life is in your hands. We look at how we can expand the imagination into your life and how we can link it to your success plans.

14 Outcome Session
We all have hopes, we want things to go a certain way, but when Life takes another direction, all our hard work falls apart. We learn how non-Attachment can help us to remain open. Open to the bigger
and better part of Success. We learn to watch and notice the changes before they happen. We learn what we can control and what is beyond our reach.

15 There is More Session
There is ALWAYS more success waiting for you. Life does not want you to struggle and survive. Life wants abundance, prosperity and joy in all areas of your Life. Now it is time to recognize your greater picture in Success.

Recognize and know what you want.
For individuals booking through Misty Moon this Program is 5250 ZAR. Normal price is 7500 ZAR.
If you just want the Initial Session before you commit the price is 500 ZAR.
A group/corporate initial session can be organized for 5 people or more. The investment is 150 ZAR per person for an hour session.
Each session will be 60 minutes. Lateness is a phenomenon that can be changed.
We will meet either weekly or on a 4-day cycle. The choice is yours.

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