Sunday 27 November 2011

A Helping Hand

There is without a doubt in my mind that I was given my gift to communicate with spirits in order to help, both the living and those who have passed on.

I have dealt with many different types of spirits in my life. From those who are afraid to move on to those who are simply looking for the chance to say goodbye. I have even dealt with dark and malevolent spirits and as frightening as they can be I will still admit that it can be scarier dealing with the living.

Over the years I often ask myself, I have this gift but how can I help?

When a spirit comes to me and asks for help to say good bye to loved ones, the idea of finding and approaching the grieving family can be quite scary. How will they take the news? Do they think that I’m expecting something from them? Will they understand that all I want to do is pass on the message and don’t want anything from them in return?

Having had my gift since childhood it has always been a natural part of me and although scary at times, I have never wanted to wish it away. I never really had anyone that I could talk to about the things I had gone through and I had no mentor of any kind which often left me feeling lost about what to do. Quite often I also felt alone. It isn’t just something you can tell anyone.

A couple weeks ago I met young girl and I could immediately sense that she too has an ability to communicate with spirits. I started to talk to her and eventually she opened up about the spirits that are surrounding her currently. I could see so much of my young self in her.

Her mother was sitting with us at the time and she is also a sensitive but she had no idea what her daughter had been going through. She had sensed something but until her daughter had opened up she had no idea.

I felt a tiny twinge of jealousy over this mother and daughter, knowing that the young girl will have so much more support than I did growing up.

What has been on my mind since is, I have been through this growing up, how can I help this young girl? Truth be told, I have the feeling she could teach me a thing or two even though she may not be aware of it.

She hadn’t really explored her abilities yet and as she enters her teen years I know they will only strengthen. I worry that she might become fearful and wish her abilities away (which you can do, except your only suppressing them and they don’t go away all together).

After spending the evening chatting to her and her mom and answering the questions the best that I could and giving the young girl a tool for protection, I left them with an open invitation to contact me if they ever needed any help.

I do hope that they contact me, being a medium can leave one feeling lonely (and sometimes a little not-so-sane) and I would really like to be able to teach and learn from this wonderful mother-daughter duo.

Whether or not they come to me, I still want to help as many people as I can both the living and the dead. Sometimes I feel as though I am just waiting.

I don’t go looking for spirits, they come to me and I prefer to keep it that way. I will admit though that at times when everything is “quiet” and there are no spirits contacting me it feels a little strange and perhaps at times a bit too quiet.

I have put it out into the universe, many years ago, that I am here to help and when someone needs me I am listening.

Psychometry is probably my second strongest gift. I really do enjoy reading people’s energies or the energies off of objects. Sometimes the messages are something I simply sense or it can be a very vivid vision. I remember my first psychometric vision as if it happened yesterday (truthfully it was probably over a decade ago). It wasn’t a pleasant one but it was powerful. Because of the sensitivity of its nature I unfortunately can’t share it but it was a very defining moment for me.

Finding out that I had the ability to look through this window into other people’s lives and being able to help them because of it really gives me a feeling of purpose. It allows me to help counsel someone in a way that goes beyond what any form of traditional counselling can do. My being able to look into people’s lives (with their permission of course) allows them a type of freedom to open up in ways that they might not have done.

I have no degrees or diplomas behind me but if I am able to use my abilities to help people in this way then I don’t see why I shouldn’t.

I have been considering offering this as a service to help people but truth be told I have no idea about where to start. It has been something that has been sitting on my mind now for a couple of weeks and I can’t say that I have yet found a clear solution.

I have been blessed with my gifts, I have an abundance of them and I am so grateful. Now I want to really start to look at using them to help. Right now that is my goal. I wrote a phrase on a piece of paper a few weeks ago and have it on my wall. I look at it every morning when I wake up and every evening before I go to sleep. It is a very simple question that I ask myself as often as I can.

“How can I help?”

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