Tuesday 2 August 2011

Precious "Me Time"

There has been a theme floating around me since last week, something that doesn’t just help with writing, but with artistic intent in general or a solution to a problem you might be facing.

A quote from Oprah says exactly what this theme is:
“If you don’t replenish your well, it runs dry. And things around you falter” What Oprah knows for sure about “me-time”.

So make sure you take some “me time”. The minimum recommendation is at least two hours a week but feel free to spend more than that, take a whole day if you feel it is right for you.

Put that time aside for you. Take yourself out on a “date”. It doesn’t have to be a date in the traditional sense, you can take yourself out for a walk in nature, go star gazing, have a picnic with yourself or just spend some time meditating, as long as it is just you and yourself and no tagger-ons. Sometimes I like to do a little spell casting followed by meditating.

Have a conversation with yourself. You might feel silly at first but it is worth it.

You can see your other you as your inner child so you can always start by saying “hey little me, how are things going?”

If you don’t want to say it out loud then just chat in your mind our even write down the conversation (this might give you something to look back on). When you talk to yourself you might find a few answers you have been looking for. Sometimes you might not even have realised you were looking for them in the first place. Your child self sometimes sees things differently to your adult-self.

Personally I don’t write these conversations with myself down. I like to talk, perhaps discover something new and then move forward from that moment and with the lesson learnt.

This weekend, my child-self and I spent a few hours reading comic books.

You can do anything, as long as it’s taking a break away from everyone else and the mad rush that is your life. Write down a list of possibilities if you like and pick an item on the list every week.

Remember to tell your loved ones what it is that you are doing and that this is “you time” perhaps even suggest that they do the same exercise every week. Can you imagine how a family, whose wells have been filled, will be able to communicate and work better together?

I wish you the best of luck.

Bright Blessings.


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