Wednesday, 17 May 2017


I always pull Tarot cards to assist me with my writing, and to just really give me some general food for thought, it's a practice I started many moons ago. The past week, the Tarot cards have been carrying a message of karma, and having karmic law come back to remind us of the past - both good and bad karma. Let's face it, we all have a little bad karma that we would like to clear away, and I think now is the perfect time to start a good cleansing practice.

Karma - that eternal web that seems to have us bound to our past, and our future. 

It really is one big web, and the thing about webs is that really, it's just one big circle, one eternal cycle where we constantly stumble into the threads that connect us with our past.

We all have good in our past, the parts we don't mind when it comes around again, but a lot of us have parts that we don't care for. They remind us, of a darkness in our past, and when it comes up again, we are reminded of it, carrying the darkness in ourselves, like a heavy burden.

Can we rid ourselves of our karma? In truth I believe that our past only comes back to haunt us because we allow it to. No one of us is perfect, we have all done things that we regret, does that mean we always deserve to have the energy of those things come around to bite us in the ass?

For menacing and malicious acts, I absolutely do believe that a person should pay the karmic price of those, THREE FOLD! But for simple mistakes we have made in our lives, there is a time when we need to release that energy and stop allowing it to come back over and over to disrupt our flow within the universe, with constant negative reminders of the past.

Karma feeds off your regrets in life - and holding on tightly to any regrets you may have, only causes for it to come back more often, and possibly more severely each and every time.

Freeing yourself of any past energies you may be hanging onto is something you have to work on, you can't just wish it away. You have had this energy coming to you over and over in your life, so much so, that in a way you are actually addicted to it... and the first step to stopping an addiction is admitting that you have a problem.

Face your problem head on- admit to yourself what it is exactly that you are holding onto so tightly. It could be something that is rooted so deeply in your past, even as far back as your childhood. 

The best way to uncover the core of the negative loop is to start writing about it in a journal. Start by writing about what it is in the here and now that has caused you to feel trapped and negative. Then start think back to all the times that you felt the same way, to all the times when this same energy made an appearance in your life. When you stumble into the core memory - the one thing that triggered it all, you will know, it is the one memory that will help you to make sense of why this cycle keeps coming back and why you keep having to pay the price for a past action.

Once you have been able to find the source of your problems... need to take responsibility, you need to accept what it is that you have done - knowingly or unknowingly.

You need to be willing to take this step, because if you cannot "own it" if you cannot admit your mistake, you will never be able to move forward and start working for change.

Your next step is to start healing. Now that you know what it is that is causing your problems, you will know what steps you need to take in order to change your energy... change the balance of your inner darkness back to light. 

Start a daily practice that nourishes your soul

Something that brings positive light energy into your life. Being Mindful of creating positive energy will shift your focus from carrying around the regrets that you have held on to for so long. A good daily practice is meditation... visualising a more positive energy entering into your life, and accepting that new energy.

Which brings us to this week's podcast... I have thrown in some meditation music too for you to download.

We are throwing twitter parties all week long for our Full Moon Market stores... came along and join in and support the community!

This week's Pagan Find

Every witch needs a cauldron - and why not a vintage one? CLICK HERE to view this vintage copper cauldron we found in TheWitchChandelry's online store

Feeling as if those dark energies are surrounding you? Try out this Banishing negativity spell kit that we found in Harmonee's Creations

CLICK HERE to view it now

Full Moon Market

We had an amazing launch of our brand new online market, with a number of vendors already signed up and ready to trade. You can already start shopping now!

We are always welcoming new vendors,  so if you sell esoteric supplies online, why not sign up with us and you can WIN BIG!

Vendors are welcome to set up and start trading today!

Register as a seller, upload your products and start selling today! The best part is its FREE, there are no subscription fees, so if you don't manage to sell anything, you don't pay anything. You only pay a small 2% transaction fee when you actually make a sale (just to help us cover costs and keep this site going for you).

As a community member you will also receive loads of FREE marketing through us across all the social networks.
Get selling today and share with all your friends too!

Reading for the Week

This week's card is taken from  The Rider Waite Tarot 

Two of Wands

It will be important for your to keep your balance in any way that you can.- even to the mundane, boring things like eating right and getting enough rest, as these things can turn out to be extremely helpful.

Stay mindful that all relationships require equal actions of give and take from all parties involved. Don't expect more than you give from someone, and vice versa, don't give more than someone is willing to give to you.

Feature your Esoteric Products

If you have an online Esoteric or Pagan store, clicking here for more information. What our extremely affordable advertising allows you to do:

Advertise two products for a week to our followers for $5 - that's only $2.50 per product for a full week's worth of exposure, or...
Advertise five products for a week to our followers for $10 - that's only $2 per product for a full week's worth of exposure, or...
Advertise TEN products for a week to our followers for $15 - that's only $1.50 per product for a full week's worth of exposure.

You can also choose to feature your products here on our blog or in our monthly newsletter... reach thousands of possible clients!

We will even be putting together the creative advertising posts for you, which will be sent to you for approval! Let us help you, view our gigs today!


Bright Blessings!

Nathalie Beulah

Monday, 8 May 2017


I can hardly believe it myself... it was ten years ago when I was inspired to start The Wicca Series. I'm reminded, as we celebrate our first decade of how the cycles of life ebb and flow regardless of everything around us. It also seems as if we are beginning to come around full circle.

I originally started with the intention of launching a series of Pagan themed meditations, unfortunately due to hard times and disappointments I was never able to launch these meditations. The other day, however, as I was cleaning up some old flash drives, I came across a completed works of meditations that I had written for just this purpose. In all honesty, I had completely forgotten about them.

With new inspiration, I have decided to launch these meditations, and a few new ones via podcasts, for you to listen to. With the Full Moon falling on this coming Wednesday, I have been inspired to launch my Esbat meditation. CLICK HERE to sign up today to join us for this meditation... and many more to come.

Many new and exciting things are happening this year as we celebrate... including the launch of our online marketplace Full Moon Market - where we aim to help creators and stockists of esoteric products to reach their clients.

Sign up as a stockist or go shopping for your latest esoteric stock, and support the community today.

This week's Pagan Find

We just love this handmade Celestial Smudge Wand that we found in Harmonee's Creations. It is just the perfect tool to add to your set of cleansing and clearing supplies 

CLICK HERE to view it now

How gorgeous is this Rose Carved Prehnite Sterling Silver Ring from Crystalline Alchemy - it would add the perfect finishing touch to a Sabbat outfit

CLICK HERE to view it now

Full Moon Market

We had an amazing first week's launch of our brand new online market, with a number of vendors already signed up and ready to trade. You can already start shopping now!

We are always welcoming new vendors,  so if you sell esoteric supplies online, why not sign up with us and you can WIN BIG!

Vendors are welcome to set up and start trading today!

Register as a seller, upload your products and start selling today! The best part is its FREE, there are no subscription fees, so if you don't manage to sell anything, you don't pay anything. You only pay a small 2% transaction fee when you actually make a sale (just to help us cover costs and keep this site going for you).

As a community member you will also receive loads of FREE marketing through us across all the social networks.
Get selling today and share with all your friends too!

Reading for the Week

This week's card is taken from  The Rider Waite Tarot 

The Wheel of Fortune

Things are looking up this year, in general it has been a pretty good year... for most it has been a lot better than last year.

As we enjoy this positive change in Life's Cycles, the Wheel of Fortune represents more good things, however it is also a time when Karma (good and bad) can pop its head up when you least expect it - now is a good time to remember the Threefold Law, even in day to day activities. All energy, past and present eventually comes back to us.

Feature your Esoteric Products

If you have an online Esoteric or Pagan store, clicking here for more information. What our extremely affordable advertising allows you to do:

Advertise two products for a week to our followers for $5 - that's only $2.50 per product for a full week's worth of exposure, or...
Advertise five products for a week to our followers for $10 - that's only $2 per product for a full week's worth of exposure, or...
Advertise TEN products for a week to our followers for $15 - that's only $1.50 per product for a full week's worth of exposure.

You can also choose to feature your products here on our blog or in our monthly newsletter... reach thousands of possible clients!

We will even be putting together the creative advertising posts for you, which will be sent to you for approval! Let us help you, view our gigs today!


Bright Blessings!

Nathalie Beulah

Monday, 1 May 2017

Samhain 2017

With the New Moon and Samhain falling within the same week down here in the Southern Hemisphere, I find that it has been a week of forceful change. The type of change that makes you stop and think every direction of your life.

It's not a bad form if change at all, sometimes we need to make big changes in our lives. In order to move forward and progress, we may need to change things completely. Leave all of the old behind and start with something brand new and exciting - and possibly scary too. This can be in any area of your life - or all of them. 

Now is a great time to burn some cleansing sage and meditate on what it is in your life that you need to walk away from, what do you NEED to leave behind (as painful as it may seem) in order to bring new light and possibilities in your life. 

The energies are right for you to do this now. Carry some carnelian for courage as you face any large challenges, and remember to take deep breaths. BIG CHANGE can be overwhelming, so if you need to take time out for yourself, then do so. Meditate, or find some quiet time to spend with yourself or your loved ones to recuperate and recharge.

One of the biggest lessons we can learn from times like these, is to not fight change... there are times when you need to let change happen, and this is one of those times.

Have a blessed Samhain, and a bountiful final harvest. And for our friends in the Northern Hemisphere, we wish you many blessings as you celebrate Beltaine!

Full Moon Market

We had an amazing first week's launch of our brand new online market, with a number of vendors already signed up and ready to trade. You can already start shopping now!

We are always welcoming new vendors,  so if you sell esoteric supplies online, why not sign up with us and you can WIN BIG!

Vendors are welcome to set up and start trading today!

Register as a seller, upload your products and start selling today! The best part is its FREE, there are no subscription fees, so if you don't manage to sell anything, you don't pay anything. You only pay a small 2% transaction fee when you actually make a sale (just to help us cover costs and keep this site going for you).

As a community member you will also receive loads of FREE marketing through us across all the social networks.
Get selling today and share with all your friends too!

CLICK HERE to sign up with us today!

This week's Pagan Find

We found this Hecate Altar Box Set, in the store Summerland BB

along with many other altar kits available - but we particularly fell in love with this duluxe kit dedicated to the Goddess Hecate - The Goddess of Witches, the Moon and the night!

Try out this Prosperity Spell Kit that we found in Harmonee's Creations. It has everything you need to focus your intentions towards attracting prosperity into your life. 

And remember to check out Harmonee's Store (CLICK HERE to view) it's packed full of awesome supplies, such as this beautiful sterling silver pendulum.

Reading for the Week

This week's card is taken from  The Rider Waite Tarot 

Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords points to your physical, emotional and spiritual energy being at peak.

This card points to a lot of activity and to you being able to get things done! This week you may find yourself being very productive, and having positive results from your productivity.

A great time to start working on that project that you have been procrastinating over.

Feature your Esoteric Products

If you have an online Esoteric or Pagan store, clicking here for more information. What our extremely affordable advertising allows you to do:

Advertise two products for a week to our followers for $5 - that's only $2.50 per product for a full week's worth of exposure, or...
Advertise five products for a week to our followers for $10 - that's only $2 per product for a full week's worth of exposure, or...
Advertise TEN products for a week to our followers for $15 - that's only $1.50 per product for a full week's worth of exposure.

You can also choose to feature your products here on our blog or in our monthly newsletter... reach thousands of possible clients!

We will even be putting together the creative advertising posts for you, which will be sent to you for approval! Let us help you, view our gigs today!


Bright Blessings!

Nathalie Beulah