Monday 11 February 2019

Business Success incense bombs

Sometimes our true success lies in the small habits we keep and maintain. It’s these small rituals that can often helps to always find success wherever we go and in whatever we do. Today I want to share with you one of my favourite, small rituals.

I love making these whenever I am starting a new project, it helps me to focus my mind, set my intentions, and to expect and receive success.

These are really great to make whenever you are looking to achieve some kind of success in your career or in business. Ideally you should make them just before you start a new project, for example just before you start writing that new book, start a new business venture or even start to look for a new job. Make yourself a couple of these while focusing on and visualising yourself succeeding.

You will need:
Fresh basil leaves
Cinnamon – can be sticks or dried and powdered.
Gold / silver / copper colour thread – which ever signifies abundance and success the most for you

Wrap the basil leaves around the cinnamon sticks, and tie the thread around it to keep the basil leaf in place, or if you are using powdered cinnamon, pour some into the centre of the leaf and wrap the leaf around it, using the thread to keep it closed, like a small sachet bag.

Then place these somewhere where they can remain safe and dry out undisturbed, while you work on your project. Though this should also be somewhere where you can see them frequently, at least once a day, to help you to remember your goals ahead, and help to keep you focused.

 Once you have completed your project, you should burn these, either in a bonfire or in an incense burner, preferably on the day of your success (perhaps even as part of your celebrations) so on the day your book is published and ready to sell, or the first day in your new job, or the day you launch your brand new business venture. As you are burning the incense bomb, visualise great successes coming to you now and in the future, ask your deity for their blessings, but most importantly express gratitude for your success, and your having achieved your current goal.

This can really become a powerful little practice, I do it as often as I need to and whenever I feel I need success on a new project I’m about to start. Not only is it a powerful act of intention, but it helps me to stay focused on my goals ahead.

I hope it helps to bring you many great successes too.

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